Taylor Swift, we don’t mean to reduce every disappointment in your life into more album fodder, but girl. Girl. The first single on your next album could easily be about getting allegedly passed over for the role of Eponine in Les Miserables. Producer Cameron Mackintosh reportedly announced this evening that the role would instead be given to Samantha Barks, a musical theater veteran who performed Eponine’s big number “On My Own” at the musical’s 25th anniversary concert. And that’s got to feel sort of like a break-up, right? In as much as it feels awful and make you want to barf? We are not helping, are we?
If it will make Taylor feel any better (and it won’t) Samantha is also a Jonas ex, having dating Nick Jonas while the musical brother co-starred with her in, you guessed it, Les Miz in London. The horrible part about all this is that you just know the anguish at losing this role is the very thing that would have made Taylor capable of imbuing “On My Own” with the perfect level of emotional devastation. That is some bitter, bitter irony. It’s so bitter we just want to…pick up this guitar…maybe write down a few chord progressions….okay, okay, we’re sorry, but you were going to do it eventually anyway!
[Photo: Getty Images]
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